Frog on a Bike Ceilidh Band
Your Ceilidh

Lets plan your Ceilidh!

Frog on a Bike have provided exceptional musicianship and a joyous atmosphere for all types of ceilidh for over 30 years. From weddings to birthdays and everything in between!

We do play a number of public ceilidhs every year, so if you want to "try before you buy",
our upcoming gig list is here. 


What is a Ceilidh

A Ceilidh ("kay-lee": descended from the Gaelic word), means ‘gathering’ or ‘party'. However, these days a Ceilidh usually means a fun filled night of dancing to live foot stomping English, Irish & Scottish folk music in great company!

Having a Ceilidh is the perfect icebreaker! From Weddings to Birthdays, team-building days, office parties, corporate functions or student nights, the emphasis is always on having fun and being sociable!

A ceilidh is an active and very inclusive form of social dancing for people of all ages, making them perfect for any celebratory occasion. Ceilidh dances often follow a recognisable structure, such as formations in squares, circles or lines, and a fairly regular pattern where the various dance couples do things in turn.

There's no need to know how to dance. With one of our hand picked expert callers on hand, we run you through the moves of each dance before it starts. The caller continues to guide you once the dance has started, so you won't get lost half way through!

Ceilidh novice or experienced dancer? Don't worry, you're always in safe hands with Frog on a Bike!

Ceilidh or Barn Dance: What's the difference?


Frog on a Bike is an English Ceilidh Band. English ceilidh is an off shoot of the traditional Scottish & Irish ceilidh, and has it's origins in the 1960s English folk revival. In addition to English country dances, English Ceilidh encompasses many aspects of Scottish & Irish ceilidh and can often be referred to as English Social Dancing or a "Barn Dance". Essentially then, a barn dance is ceilidh with a more English emphases   

Please note that, although "Barn Dance" refers to different things in different places around the world, an English barn dance is not the same as an American Wild West-style hoe down, Irish set dancing or line dancing.